Atlantic Diesel Services (ADS) are a specialist distributor of components for commercial marine & industrial diesel engines.
Our focus is on three core product groups:
Fuel Injection Equipment |
Filtration |
Starting & Charging Systems |
Situated in the United Kingdom, we have extensive experience of Lucas products (Lucas Bryce, Lucas CAV, Simms), which were commonly fitted on UK manufactured engines such as Mirrlees Blackstone, English Electric/Ruston & Paxman etc. We also supply spares and service for L'Orange and Bosch equipment fitted to European engines including SEMT, Pielstick, Wartsila, Bergen (Normo) and MAK.
Marine |
Power Generation
We serve customers worldwide in markets such as shipping, rail, power generation, military & extractive industries.
We provide a comprehensive overhaul service for these products from our Southampton workshop.
Locomotive |